- NSF funded REU supplement for IIS-1422316 “Intra-Organizational Boundary Spanning: Strategic Implications for the Design, Implementation, and Use of Enterprise Social Media” (PI). AAmount funded: $16,000 (August, 2015)
- NSF funded research project “Intra-Organizational Boundary Spanning: Strategic Implications for the Design, Implementation, and Use of Enterprise Social Media” (PI, with Dr. Steinfield). Award ID: IIS-1422316. For more information about the project, please visit the grant website: http://esm.mi.msu.edu. Amount funded: $437,939 (August, 2014)
- The Midland Research Institute for Value Chain Creation (MRIVCC) “Building a Knowledge Value Chain to Support Global Water Safety” (Co-PI, with Drs. Joan Rose and Jade Mitchell). Amount funded: $325,000 (May, 2014).
- Leo Burnett funded research project “Deconstructing Strategic Marketing Communications on Social Media: Enabling Structuration, Socialization, and Crisis Management” (Co-PI). Amount: $65,000